One of our projects is the Mönchebergschule in Kassel - a special school with a focus on sick students, from the fields of oncology, psychosomatics and surgery.
These children have severe injuries or damage to the brain or spinal cord, infections and inflammatory CNS diseases, brain malformations, brain tumors or brain hemorrhages.
Some of the children are even severely impaired and can no longer speak.
The school encourages these children in the area of supportive/nonverbal communication, which enables the children to participate actively in life again, to communicate and to express their needs.
It is precisely this work of early rehabilitation that we found particularly worthy of support and have donated € 1150 to the Möncheberg School for various aids.
A few days ago we received the following letter of thanks, which we would like to share with our community.

The team of "Zahnärzte und Patienten helfen Kindern in Not "e.V. wishes the children of the Mönchebergschule Kassel a good recovery and all the best!