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214 entries
MädchenArbeitskreis Girls working group from Kassel wrote at 15. October 2018 at 13:05
On behalf of the Girls Working Group Kassel, we would like to thank the Friends of Dentists and Patients Help Children in Not e.V. for the financial support at the Girls Spectacular 2018. Thanks to the support, many great campaigns were once again realized on this day. 110 girls were able to take part in 15 different activities and enjoy a healthy breakfast. In addition to various creative offers, there was a prevention workshop on the subject of smartphone apps and data security, they were also able to find out about their bodies, love and friendship at a ProFamilia booth, dress up with an employee of the I-Punkt and have themselves or friends photographed and take them with you. There were movement games and bread on a stick by the fire, with intensive discussions about the girls 'improvement requests for the adults, in preparation for the conversation with the mayor, who at the end answered the girls' questions. Thanks to the support for the participants, all offers remained free of charge. Thank you and greetings from the Kassel Girls Working Group
Wilhelm-Lückert-Schule Wilhelm-Lückert scool from Kassel wrote at 10/09/2018 at 20:55
The school management would like to thank the Friends of Dentists and Patients Help Children in Need for sponsoring the "Class 2000" project on behalf of all elementary school children at the Wilhelm Lückert School. This ensures that all classes at the elementary level can take part in the project to promote health and strengthen social skills this school year. We are very pleased about this and thank you very much for your unbureaucratic commitment!
Diakonisches Werk Region Kassel Diaconal work in the Kassel region wrote at 12. July 2018 at 15:05
Thank you very much that you have supported us with your financial contribution to our forest leisure time for children of the outpatient educational assistance of the Diakonisches Werk Region Kassel. The children, between the ages of 7 and 13, had a wonderful and exciting time in the Kaufungen Forest with a variety of leisure activities. Therefore, on behalf of the children, a big thank you for their support! Thank you and best regards the recreational team of outpatient educational assistance and the children
Verein der Freunde und Förderer der Osterholzschule e.V. Association of friends and sponsors of the Osterholzschule e.V. from Kassel wrote at 21. June 2018 at 12:47
We would like to thank you very much for the financial support of this year's day trip for the vocational orientation level to Heidepark Soltau. It was a nice end to their school days at the Osterholzschule, especially for the students in grade 9. All classes had an eventful day!
Familie Litvin Family Litvin wrote at 22. December 2017 at 22:12
Dear Ms. Bode, A big big thank you to our unknown fairy and all employees of the foundation Friends of Dentists & Patients Help Children in Need e.V. for this opportunity that you are giving us. Thank you very much for participating in the fate of our Arina! Our whole family wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Happiness, success, health and love will follow you all year round! Lots of love from our family and from Arina personally.
FortSchritt Nordhessen e.V. FortSchritt Nordhessen e.V. wrote at 19. October 2017 at 1:28
Thank you very much for the renewed support for our sponsorship weeks, in which children with brain damage experience an intensive week with lots of exercise, games and fun and training in everyday situations that are difficult for them because of their disabilities. Again and again there is progress that is sometimes astonishing and definitely makes the child and parents happy. Thank you for supporting us in this.
Drogenhilfe Nordhessen e.V. Drug Aid North Hesse e.V. wrote at 2. October 2017 at 1:29
Thank you very much for the renewed support of the baby carrier project of the drug help North Hesse e.V. Your spontaneous help enables parents with children in difficult life situations to develop a successful parent-child bond very early and sustainably. Without donations, this offer would hardly have been possible for us. Many thanks from the baby carriers of the drug help North Hesse e.V. Angela Waldschmidt and Brigitte Vesper
ZirkuTopia e.V. ZirkuTopia e.V. wrote at 2. October 2017 at 1:27
At the inclusive circus camp, 40 children and young people with and without disabilities or social disadvantages play and train in circus, theater and dance. At the end they present their ideas, their choreography and of course their skills with costume, music and light twice in front of a large audience in the tent arena. Thank you very much for making it possible again for children and young people whose parents cannot afford the participation fee to have these important experiences!
PHB-e.V. PHB-e.V. wrote at 29. May 2017 at 1:27
At the inclusive circus camp, 40 children and young people with and without disabilities or social disadvantages play and train in circus, theater and dance. At the end they present their ideas, their choreography and of course their skills with costume, music and light twice in front of a large audience in the tent arena. Thank you very much for making it possible again for children and young people whose parents cannot afford the participation fee to have these important experiences!
Hupfeldschule Hupfeldschool wrote at 15. May 2017 at 1:25
Thank you very much for partially financing the visits to the children's farm in Kassel. Our two first grades were very enthusiastic about the many animals and the great area on which you can play fantastic. With your money our excursions could and can be realized. Many greetings from the Hupfeld School
Caritasverband Nordhessen-Kassel e.V. Caritas Association North Hesse-Kassel e.V. wrote at 20/04/2017 at 0:00
Thank you very much for supporting a family in need who looked for help in our social counseling service. With your financial support, we were able to find a solution so that the family can take care of themselves again. Thank you for your great work, best regards and keep it up! S. Wolf
Schule Königstor School Königstor wrote at 27. February 2017 at 0:00
125 years of the Königstor School! For our school anniversary, pupils from the 3rd and 4th grades designed a great book / poster project. Under the motto "Uncle Walter was also a student at the Königstor school" and in cooperation with the Buchkinder Kassel e.V., the children planned, read and researched, conducted interviews, painted, tinkered, written and printed. The result is a great slipcase with exciting posters about the history of the Königstor school. We thank the Förderverein zph e.V. for the financial support of this great project. Doris Apel (headmistress)
Dr. Ortrud Lind-Weitzel Dr. Ortrud Lind-Weitzel wrote at 6. January 2017 at 0:00
Vielen herzlichen Dank für die superschnelle und unbürokratische Hilfe in einer medizinischen Notlage bei einer Familie aus Afghanistan, als Krankenkasse und Sozialamt keine Kosten übernahmen! Dr. O. Lind-Weitzel, Kinder- und Jugendärztin
Osterholzschule Kassel Osterholzschule Kassel wrote at 8. December 2016 at 0:00
The Osterholz school in Kassel would like to thank you very much for a donation of 500.00 €, which will be used for special activities on school trips in 2017. Without this donation z. B. Many excursions and museum visits are not possible during these trips. A big thank you from the whole school community !!!
Drogenhilfe Nordhessen e.V. Drug Aid North Hesse e.V. wrote at 05/11/2016 at 0:00
Dear Friends of the Association, dear Ms. Bode, dear Ms. Radke, Thank you very much for your donation to the baby carrier project. der Drogenhilfe Nordhessen e.V. With your help, it was possible to purchase other urgently needed baby carriers. Thank you very much for that. By renting baby slings and comfort carriers, we help parents with newborn children to develop a good and secure bond with their child very early and sustainably. The result is more stability in the life of the children, but also of the parents. A close parent-child relationship is the best basis for arming a child against later risks such as addiction, mental illness or social abnormalities. We would like to thank all the supporters of the Förderverein, without your commitment we would not have been able to help so many parents with children in stressful situations. Greetings from the baby carriers of the drug Aid North Hesse e.V. Angela Waldschmidt and Brigitte Vesper
MädchenarbeitsKreis Kassel Girls working circle Kassel wrote at 19. October 2016 at 0:00
A big thank you from 130 girls who had a wonderfully colorful day at the girls' spectacle in the House of Youth. For the 15th time there was a whole day just for girls. There was boxing, hip-hop dancing, dressing up and taking photos, changing baby dolls, answering questions about sexuality, there was a fortune teller, glitter tattoos, self-designed booklet covers, made-up happy faces, soapstones were sanded to make chain pendants, iron-on bead pictures and children's rights for the pocket of the self-painted pencil cases or sports bags could be stowed away. It all started with a delicious breakfast. And once again all of this was only possible because you supported us financially so energetically! A big THANK YOU !! On behalf of the Girls Working Group Kassel Steffi Burmester
Caritasverband Nordhessen-Kassel e.V. Caritas Association North Hesse-Kassel e.V. wrote at 19. May 2016 at 0:00
Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung zur Klassenfahrt, an der der 17 jährige K. sonst nicht hätte teilnehmen können. Damit haben Sie K. eine sehr große Freude bereitet! Ihrem Schaffen wünschen wir weiterhin segensreiches Wirken, liebe Grüße S. Wolf
Matthe Matthe wrote at 16. December 2015 at 0:00
Mr. Stolle was in a commercial vocational school in our Friedrich-Ebert-Schule in FRitzlar. He moved the students and made them think. The feedback was all positive. A student who had already seen Mr. Stolle last school year remarked that he had taken what Mr. Stolle had said to heart and had changed his lifestyle. There can be no better feedback about the effectiveness of the conversation. Thank you, Angelika Matthé
Schule Königstor School Königstor wrote at 7. December 2015 at 0:00
Hurra, ein tolles Sportgerät für den Bewegungsraum der Schule Königstor! Wir bedanken uns herzlich für die großzügige Unterstützung bei der Anschaffung einer Kletterwand für unseren Bewegungsraum. Jetzt haben die Schülerinnen und Schüler auch bei schlechtem Wetter ein moti-vierendes Sportgerät für die tägliche Bewegungszeit, am Vormittag, im Ganztag und im Hort. Nochmals herzlichen Dank! Doris Apel (Schulleiterin)
Berufsschule Fritzlar Professional school Fritzlar wrote at 25. November 2015 at 0:00
Dear Sir or Madam, Last Thursday, Mr Stolle was our guest and gave a very impressive lecture on the subject of addiction. The students took a lot of it with them. Since Mr. Stolle works without a teacher, I didn't see him after the lecture to thank him for his work. I would now like to do that on this path. With best regards
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