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214 entries
i.A. Janah Tiefenberg -Soziale Gruppenarbeit / AKGG commissioned by: Janah Tiefenberg -Social group work / AKGG wrote at 21/09/2015 at 0:00
Thank you for 5 days of pure nature! Dear Friends of the Association, dear Ms. Ratke, the AKGG gGmbH, especially the social group work, would like to thank you for your generous donation, with which you made an unforgettable week on the school farm Hutzelberg possible for our 15 children and young people! The experiences of nature that they lack in everyday life, from free play in nature far away from any media, through the guided physical work on the farm, to the daily preparation of meals, ensured playful learning of a special kind. With your support, you made a significant contribution to our children being able to have these developmental learning experiences. Many thanks on behalf of the participating families and carers as well as the entire AKGG gGmbH! On behalf of: Janah Tiefenberg Ped. Head of social group work
Caritasverband Nordhessen-Kassel e.V. Caritas Association North Hesse-Kassel e.V. wrote at 16. July 2015 at 0:00
A big thank you for the financial support as part of our social counseling for a family in need. You have helped a lot to stabilize a difficult situation and created perspectives. I would like to thank you very much for your work and I hope that you will continue to receive such great support to do good! S. Wolf
S. Voßhage S. Voßhage wrote at 18. May 2015 at 0:00
Thank you very much for the financial support of our projects at the school with a focus on learning! With your help, it is possible for us to provide the children in our school with optimal support, which supplements the "normal teaching offer" in a meaningful way (additional reading support; cooperation within the framework of school and association). As the school management, I really appreciate your prompt, unbureaucratic and helpful approach.
Dr. L. Schmidt Dr. L. Schmidt wrote at 13. May 2015 at 0:00
Thank you very much for the good news about financial support for our project, which we were very pleased about. Your support is a piece of the puzzle that allows us to start the planned action. Our association has set itself the task of giving needy children in the Chernobyl area of Brjansk help on their arduous journey through life and thus showing them prospects for further development. In our life support projects, we also try not to ignore calls for help from particularly affected children, e.g. from orphanages, and to help as far as we can: be it through material care, through individual sponsorships of helpful people or through eventful holiday stays in Germany. Your support is also very important. Thank you again and good luck with your future projects.
Franziska Nolte Franziska Nolte wrote at 27. February 2015 at 0:00
I can only agree with my colleague: Thank you very much to Stolle for the willingness to have a very open and informative conversation about drugs in my 10th grade (tiered vocational school). The students were allowed to ask all the questions that were on their minds and although some of them were very personal, Stolle was happy to answer them in detail. I have seldom seen my students tied up like this! Thank you for your willingness to do voluntary prevention work in schools. Stolle made a lasting impression! Franziska Nolte (Friedrich Ebert School Fritzlar)
Angelika Matthé Angelika Matthé wrote at 24. February 2015 at 0:00
I would like to thank Mr. Stolkmann (Stolle) very much, who spoke very openly about his life in four of my classes in biology, in which I deal with the subject of drugs. That affected the students very much. I am very happy to welcome Mr. Stolle in my classes, because it is important to reach the students not only cognitively but also emotionally and he managed that. One class expressed the wish to work again on the subject of violence prevention. The date is set for March 23, 2015. Thank you again and good luck with the preventive work, because it is so important. Angelika Matthé from the Friedrich-Ebert-School Fritzlar
Heinrich-Lüttecke Schule Bad Arolsen Heinrich-Lüttecke School Bad Arolsen wrote at 20/11/2014 at 0:00
Thank you very much for the financial support, our class 9PR, for visiting the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam in July 2014.
Diane Kühne Diane Kühne wrote at 19/08/2014 at 0:00
Mr. Stolkmann was visiting the main level of the August-Fricke-School, where he talked to three classes about drugs, violence and bullying. The students were very impressed and said he should like to come back :). Thank you very much for your visit with topics that are very important to everyone. Best wishes, Diane Kuehne
Sabine Franke Sabine Franke wrote at 18. July 2014 at 0:00
Thank you very much for the financial support for a student in my 9H class, who, with your help, was able to experience a super nice final trip to Dankern Castle! Thanks again!
Andreas Starke Andreas Starke wrote at 6. July 2014 at 0:00
Liebe Damen und Herren, durch Ihre tatkräftige finanzielle Unterstützung konnte meine Klasse 9PR(Heinrich-Lüttecke-Schule aus Bad Arolsen)einen großartigen Tag in Amsterdam verbringen. Neben dem Besuch des Anne-Frank-Museums, der den Höhepunkt unseres Anne-Frank-Projektes darstellte und für die Schüler Geschichte greifbar machte, konnte bei schönstem Wetter auch noch eine Grachtenfahrt unternommen werden. Ohne Ihre Hilfe wäre diese Reise nicht möglich gewesen, da der Großteil der Schüler meiner Klasse aus finanziell schwachen Familien kommt. Vielen lieben Dank! Fotos folgen...
Drogenhilfe Nordhessen e.V. Drug Aid North Hesse e.V. wrote at 22. May 2014 at 0:00
With your help we can realize our project "baby carriers" as part of the early help in the district of Kassel and in the district of Hersfeld-Rotenburg. This offer for stressed parents with children from 0-3 years is intended to promote the child-child bond through the use of baby carriers be promoted. Thank you very much!!!!
Harald Appel Harald Appel wrote at 30/04/2014 at 0:00
Hello Thomas, thank you very much for your commitment as part of the prevention day on April 10th, 2014 at the Max-Eyth-Schule in Kassel. I received only positive feedback from my classes that took part in your event. The trainees were so captivated by your explanations that they stayed well over time and actually didn't want to let you go.
Christoph Opper-Conrad Christoph Opper-Conrad wrote at 11. March 2014 at 0:00
With your help, the songwriter "Stolle" was able to give our class an hour on drug abuse in December. The youngsters in grades 7/8 of the Baunsberg school were enthusiastic about the time they were allowed to spend alone with Stolle in the classroom and were still emotionally touched days later by what Stolle said about himself and about drugs in general. The young people loved singing with him. The youngsters keep asking when Stolle will be back! Thank you very much that this was possible, because the awakening of positive emotions was very valuable for the class from an educational point of view.
Blandine Justus Blandine Justus wrote at 8. February 2014 at 0:00
Dear Mrs. Bernhard, on October 5th, 2013 we were finally able to move into the premises and within a very short time over 150 households have registered. With your financial support, we can make it easier for over 90 children to integrate into society. With sufficient basic food and financial resources (picking up the food from the table), the children have the opportunity to go to the circus again with their parents or to take part in a school trip, to add missing clothes or to go out to eat together. We were able to offer the children a special surprise on St. Nicholas Day: We organized a St. Nicholas dinner. It was a pleasure to see how they received their presents from St. Nicholas and ate their "menu" with satisfaction. Thank you, thank you very much for your donation. Looking into happy children's eyes is the best moment for us volunteers. We want to offer the children many other activities, e.g. Afternoon of creative activities (painting, handicrafts, singing, etc.) but also herbalism or relaxation trips) is still in the planning stage You can read the announcements on our website. Warm greetings Blandine Justus 1st chairwoman of the Baunataler Schauenburger Tafel e.V.
Joachim Arndt Joachim Arndt wrote at 03/11/2013 at 0:00
Dear people in charge of this great initiative, Your work is great! Your support in enabling a very talented but hearing impaired boy from Afghanistan to take instrumental lessons on the flute at the music school in Baunatal is wonderful. We thank you very much! Baunatal Music School Joachim Arndt Music school principal
HM Wirth HM Wirth wrote at 01/11/2013 at 0:00
Dear Sir or Madam, dear Ms. Westhelle, - it was a pleasure for the parents and the children when the money for the school equipment arrived. In Bosnia it is the case that a family contribution has to be made even for wood for heating in winter. But now satchels and notebooks, books and pens have first been put into use. Many thanks to the young family from Dubrave for their support! Many greetings from Hans Martin Wirth, member of the Bosnienhilfe initiative in Hofgeismar
Jochen Raub Jochen Raub wrote at 11. October 2013 at 0:00
Dear Thomas "stolle" Stolkmann! On the occasion of a political get-together in Bad Wilhelmshöhe a few days ago, you reported to a very interested audience about your life and your social commitment in the prevention of drugs, addiction, violence and bullying among children and adolescents. First of all, thank you very much. You could see how interesting it was from the sympathy of the regular guests. Your humble, human nature has impressed us all. Although you have been involved in the social area of ​​our city and beyond for 8 years now and have made a name for yourself as a brilliant musician, you have always stayed "on the carpet". That too impressed everyone that evening. I would like to wish you a lot of strength so that you can remain the "mouthpiece" for the young people (i.e. the 7th to 9th graders) and the children in the 3rd - 5th grades in many schools and you from the school authorities necessary support is provided. I wish you every success, fulfillment and muse for new compositions for your artistic work. I am very happy and also a little proud that I got to know you and that we have become friends in the meantime. The benefit concert on Königsplatz for the benefit of the Klangkeller was a great thing! I especially want to mention that you played with Ben that day, even though it was your birthday. As you know, in my previous job as a police officer I also had a lot to do with young people and therefore I particularly appreciate your work. Dear "Stolle", stay the way you are. If you didn't exist, I would make you up (laughs)! Once again all the best for you and everyone who works for the ZPH. With very kind regards, your friend Jochen Raub
Ute Krasnitzky-Rohrbach Ute Krasnitzky-Rohrbach wrote at 1. October 2013 at 0:00
Hello Mr. Stolkmann, First of all, I am pleased that you liked the photos. And I would also be happy to give you feedback on your performance: Once you and your two band members were perceived as very personable and authentic. You are all very much appreciated. And it was also admired how you, dear Mr. Stolkmann, managed to turn the bad experiences you had in your life into strength. You can - and you are too - be a positive example for people who are still in the acute phase of addiction and who also have a preventive effect. Personally, I find that very important. I have also received a lot of positive feedback on your music - so overall, a very successful item on the program. It was a shame - and the board regrets this in retrospect - the late time of your appearance. But that is clearly the responsibility of the organizer. The participants, who had ordered their buses and couldn't stay, also regretted it, especially because they heard from the others how nice it was. I think, should the opportunity arise again, we will be happy to hire you and your musicians again. In the meantime all the best to you three for the future and thank you again for your appearance and your commitment! Kind regards from Ute Krasnitzky-Rohrbach
Udo Brunke Udo Brunke wrote at 1. October 2013 at 0:00
Dear Sirs and Madames, at our psychiatry day (health department of the Schwalm-Eder district) Thomas Stolkmann appeared as an artist and participant in the panel discussion. His well-known music was of course very well received by the audience and even encouraged some participants to dance spontaneously. Very unusual for a conference. In the panel discussion, he conveyed self-related experiences in a very natural and understandable way, which was very well received by the audience. He talked about himself in his calm way in such a way that not only his words but also what he had to say could be clearly understood by everyone. He was able to convey his message about the effects addiction can have to the audience very well. Because not only did I feel that way, but after the conference some people came up to me and thereby confirmed my feelings. He was not only enriched by his music, but also by his clear, easy-to-understand words. That as a little résumé, which concerns â € œStolleâ €. Sincerely Udo Brunke (Addiction counselor at the health department of the SEK)
Pascal S. Pascal S. wrote at 30/09/2013 at 0:00
Hello Thomas! I wanted to thank you again for your advice! Which has accompanied me a lot in the last few years ... I wanted to thank you for an experience of honor that I (not having to do myself) had the same thoughts and emotions as you ... I want to thank you that you still perform between your performances found time to write with me! Now I own my own family ...... KMDD and KMDA I'm dry and proud of it!
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