A premature birth with serious consequences.
Matteo is severely physically and mentally disabled.
When Matteo was born, he was so tiny that you could cover him with one hand and then only see his head and feet. Matteo was born 12 weeks before his due date by caesarean section. He was 36 cm tall and weighed 1360 grams.
He spent the first ten weeks in the premature intensive care unit.
The doctors diagnosed him with prenatal brain damage due to an oxygen deficiency.
This results in, among other things, central coordination and movement disorders, high-grade spasticity in the arms and legs, (BNS) epilepsy with several seizures every day, severe visual impairment as well as physical and mental functional limitations. In total, Matteo was given 16 diagnoses.
At the age of two, he could neither sit, crawl, stand nor walk. His mental development also simply did not start.
He screamed shrilly and loudly for 8 to 10 hours a day. He could not speak either. By the time he was 3 years old, he had suffered multiple epileptic seizures every day. Fortunately, Matteo's single mother found the right doctors and therapists.
We have also already completed 6 times a 6 - 8 week inpatient rehab. With the help of all his mother's savings and the support of many people who have donated for Matteo, the boy has already been able to undergo dolphin therapy 4 times - with great success that Matteo now speaks. In addition, Matteo has already undergone up to 8 weeks of in-patient rehabilitation and has been able to participate in therapy at the Adeli Medical Centre in Slovakia. However, he is and remains severely disabled. He is struggling forward with the smallest steps in his development.

What other children his age can do is not feasible for the now 9-year-old. Matteo experiences much less movement and perception than other children, but he is now able to speak. He cannot manage the activities of everyday life on his own. Even when he wants to turn over in his bed at night, he needs help.
Matteo's daily routine looks more like this: Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and music therapy - several times a week.
His mother's motto is: can't do, won't do. Nothing is left untried. Matteo should participate in life, as independently as possible. Matteo's heart's desire is to have another dolphin therapy.
For this we ask for your support.
Every donation, no matter how small, is welcome. Please use our donate button and follow Matteo's progress on his Facebook pageWir helfen Matteo“.
Thank you!